You know how I know I live in the GHETTO? When I here molly bark and I go downstairs to check it out and i see my roommate letting some kid in our house who had two bullet holes in him. No bullshit, one in the arm and one in the side. How fucked up is that?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
In the D, flyin solo
So i spent almost an entire day in the Detroit area by myself. how does one entertain themselves for 13 hours without really knowing where anything is you ask. Well it goes like this:
I started of the morning with a couple hour stint at the Detroit zoo doin some shooting. It really wasnt nearly as much fun as it could have been. First off, it was ass packed full of people. Who goes to the zoo early on a monday morning? Apparently half the metro Detroit area. Couple this with the none too active wildlife and my original plan of shooting all day turned into just under three hours. I got a couple of decent shots at best but nothing spectacular.
Now what do i do? Bwil, who so gratiously agreed to let me crash on his couch, wasnt going to be back in town til late so now i need to kill another ten hours or so. Seeing as i was going to a practice round of the PGA championship tuesday morning and i had no idea of the area, I decided it might be a good idea to scout out the locale. I then drove up to Oakland hills and checked out the area and found a couple places i could park.
Next thing on the list to kill time was a stop off at the mall and do some window shopping for a bit. I spent the next couple hours doing some shopping, which mostly included a long stint at the apple store playing with the new iPhone and surfing the web for something else to do. FYI i really want one.
What nerdy thing did i decide to do next you ask? I drove down to dearborn to play around at Adray Camera, a frickin giant camera store with all the latest goodies to mess with. After spending an hour checking out all the latest and greatest that Canon has to offer, namely the 24-70L which is sooo sweet.
So now its nearing 5 and i've really done a pretty good job of entertaining myself so far but now i really got nothin left to do and i dont at all know the area im in. The only area i do know is about 30 minutes away and i had nothing else to do so i headed back north to the Hull rd area to grab some food. I stopped off at a B&N and checked out some books and whatnot and when that lost its fun i figured i'd go check out a movie or something.
I drove over to Partridge creek to check out some movie times. while in the parking lot, i pulled out my laptop to check something out real quick and to my suprise i had Wi-Fi. so here's the part where the story gets real dorky. I remembered that at some point that night there was a concert going on that i kind of wanted to go to. Now im not one to go stuff by myself, seeing as im a bit socially awkward and maybe a bit shy, but i figured i've done shit alone all day i might as well check it out anyway. What concert do you ask? Yeah, it was most definitely some Wizard rock, hosted and mc'd by the people from Pottercast, one of the HP podcasts that i listen too. Wow, even as i type i realize how big of a dork i am. To each their own i guess. So then i drove back down, even further south than when visiting the camera store, to Southgate. Im not going to lie, it was kind of sketchy down there. I spent the next few hours at the show, which i have to say was a pretty good time. I even bought a tshirt, which if worn in public may lead to me never seeing a naked women again.
By now it was getting pretty late, 11 or so i think, so i grabbed a quick burger and headed back up towards the Bwil's, arriving just before he and Amy got home. All in all i'd have to say i had a pretty full day, putting almost 300 miles on my car in total. Apparently i can go do stuff by myself and not be super awkward. Although, there were a few times when i did get a bit anxious but i got through it.
Good Times, Good Times
Oh yeah, Seeing as i havent posted in months, i feel like this long rant of a post should somewhat make up for it.
Posted by
10:02 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Originally uploaded by JT66
Sometimes i like to see my name on stuff. No matter the quality of the photo, if you throw a border around it and put your name on it, it still looks kinda cool.
Posted by
10:11 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Originally uploaded by JT66
Sometimes, I'm amazed by the randomness that life brings. All i can do is sit quietly, look up through the trees at a bright blue sky, and laugh to myself.
Posted by
9:18 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
New year, more pics
Molly B&W
Originally uploaded by JT66
I promised i would start posting a bit more than once every couple months so here it is. I really dont have a ton to say but i can post a picture. With all the warm weather getting rid of all the snow i figured it was time to get out and spend some quality time with my puppy. Shes not very good at posing for pictures for me but i guess if you take enough you'll get a few that work.
Posted by
10:55 PM