Thursday, November 01, 2007

More Practice

Golden Snitch
Originally uploaded by JT66

Just more messing around with lighting and little PS for good measure.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Studio Shot

TriWizard Cup
Originally uploaded by JT66

Just playing around with my makeshift macro studio and some of the new camera gear i got today.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Book Party

Book Party
Originally uploaded by JT66

10 image pano put together with the genius that is CS3

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Thanks to all who helped me celebrate my 30 years with a 3 day party. As for now though, i'm going to sleep the next 3 days to recover. I'm too old for this shit.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Go Nuts

pitcher in motion
Originally uploaded by JT66

I'm not as good with the photoshop as some others but here's a little something i just finished putting together. You wanted pics hero so you got em.

Duck, Duck, your mom

Originally uploaded by JT66

i figured its been awhile since i posted anything so i guess i'll go with another pic. Its not that good but i've been trying some different looks using the snapart. Any comments or criticisms are welcome. I've got a few new ones too on my flickr page if anyone wants to take a look.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Went to the Detroit Zoo yesterday. Took lots of pics, saw hero get attacked by a bird, even got to slither a bit. Good times. This is really a test post as i'm trying to post the pick from flikr. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Livin the Low Carb Lifestyle

I forgot to take meat and cheese with me for the weekend so i had to resort to drastic measures. I love turkey.....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sans Goat

I figured since amy was so unhappy with her pic that i'd post a bad one of me to make her feel better. My head is Massive and i look like i'm twelve without the goat. Let the burning begin!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

don't talk crap to the guy who takes the Pictures

How bout these then?

Are these any better?


Too much free time

Its just another lazy easter Sunday. Watchin the Masters playin with some photos. I still can't get stuff on the web to look like it does on my monitor. Anybody have ideas on how to fix that. Anyway, this is my first processed image from last night. Your criticisms are welcomed. Not about Hero of course, but about the image. More pics to come as i finish them.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Worst to First

I Win!!! I like this game, we should play it more. I'd just like to give you all a chance to bow down to my genius. Maybe not genius, how bout a whole lot of luck. Either way i still came back from the basement after the first weekend to claim victory in the end. I'm going to go roll in all the money i'm not going to get paid from all you bastards.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I got up at 6:30 this morning and worked out. How F'ed up is that?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I feel like a gansta...

So today i participated in my first drive by shooting. I have to say it's quite a rush. The anticipation as you start to slow roll up to your target, the release when fire off the first few shots (Insert joke about me and somebodies mom), and the euphoria after it's all over. Its kind of like sex, except for the fact that it only took 20 seconds. I'm good for at least 30 maybe even 45 if I've been drinking. Actually it wasn't all that exciting. My dad wanted me to take some pictures of crap that lady, the one renting his house, did to the outside of his house. He told me to be inconspicuous but that was kind of hard with the giant white lens sticking out of the passenger side of jaysons car.

Tell me she's not the cutest dog....I dare you

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

First Macro Shoot

Not sure that I really like it. The colors are funky on the web. Sorry, i'm mostly posting this cause i don't have much else to say. Hey, it's better than posting nothing at all.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


So i switched over to the new blogger and now i cant get to my comments. Also, i can't remember my haloscan login to get them. I think when i changed over the code for the haloscan went bye bye. I need help and i need it fast or else all the times you guys ripped on me over the past year will go into blogger pergatory.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

JT figured out how to change colors. Notice the house colors. They are not exact but give me a break, its my first time messing with HTML.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I needs help

So i'd like to know how to change the background color on this blog thing. Any Ideas as to how i would do that? Oh, if someone helps me i promise to post more. thank you and good night

Van Gogh i am not...

Monday, January 29, 2007


My life is pretty much lame. I sit home and play with my computer and watch tv. I basically have my week planned out by what shows are on which night. Is that sad? It may be but i guess i like it that way. So, if anyone needs me i'll be sittin on the couch watchin my monday night lineup of how i met your mother, 24, and what about brian. Good Times, Good Times.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

i think I'm going to start posting more. Where have i been the last several months? No where, doing nothing. Why haven't i posted anything? Cause i'm lazy and i really haven't had anything to say. I'll try harder this year, i promise. Its been so long since i've posted that it took me 10 minutes to log in because i couldn't remember my password. Its just sad