Tuesday, September 13, 2005
A Gate, A Gate can't stop me
Brilliant idea of the day. The puppy needs more room to play when i'm at work so i thought i'd get her a gate so she can hang out in the kitchen while i'm at work. we bought the gate today and decided to test it out while we went to dinner. I got back from dinner to find her waiting patiently at the front door for me to come home. Then i noticed the aftermath of hurricane molly. There were papers everywhere, all the plugs were out of the wall, and all she could give me was a "its about damn time u got home. I've been doing some redecorating while u where away" look and i couldn't do anything but laugh.
Posted by
10:30 PM
Who's your daddy?
I am.
Take a gander at my pretty little girl. (Actually, this isn't really her. I've been too busy to post anything about her yet, and if I even have any pictures of her yet this isn't one of them. This is one that someone found on the internet that looks kinda like her. And truth be told, I'm not taking the time to post even this much about her either. Someone, prolly the same someone who found the pic, thought I might want to get a little notice out to the gang about my new family. Oh, and by the way, last someone knew... I think I'm going to call her Molly.)
Posted by
8:30 AM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Not a shot in Hell
I actually thought he had a chance until he slammed into me. Both of us walked away with only minor injuries and a little bit less dignity. The slip n' slide i'm sorry to say did not make it. So if you would please observe a moment of silence to reflect on those we've lost this year while attempting incredibly stupid stunts. You will be missed.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Who's an Idiot
The premise was simple. The planning was flawless. The execution hurt real bad. In a stunt out of the record books jayson decided that he would risk his own well being and launch himself over a large stationary object (since no one else would do it said object was me) and land on his feet. Did he complete the jump? Tune in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of Who's and Idiot.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Fat Guy III (Dirty Fat Guy)

Posted by
7:01 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Come party with me
shake it, shake it
like its my birthday
shake it, shake it
yeah its my birthday
Posted by
9:44 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Fat Guys on a Slip n' Slide
I guess when they say 80 Lbs. max they mean it. We got a solid hour of sliding but in the end it just couldn't take the abuse. More pictures are available upon request. Due to the graphic nature of said photos they cannot be posted at this time (mostly because they include my ass).
Posted by
8:36 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
Introductions and Ice Breakers
Life is nothing more than a series of stories. When your old and gray the only thing you'll have to look back on are those stories. Whether its getting a free bat after the game, getting to partake in your first 7th inning stretch, or realizing how good an old ball glove can smell, those are the things that make life important. Those are the things I want to remember. Go make your own stories and we'll talk about it in 50 years.
Posted by
10:23 AM